Get treatment for all your mental healthcare needs.

Our services

Individual/Couple/Family Therapy

Therapy can be provided to all ages. This clinic reaches both child and adult and will conceptualize areas of need through a humane and empathetic manner. Here we learn to become our own therapist and live in the present moment without judgement of the experience.

Professional Consultation

Sometimes a professional opinion is all you need to achieve personal or professional growth. We encourage clients to problem-solve using existing tools and those we will give. We offer supervision, professional opinion, workshops and conferences.

Neurocognitive Rehab

Neurocognitive Rehab is an individualized treatment that addresses each patient's specific situation. Interventions are tailored to help the person be as successful as possible in the management of daily living activities and responsibilities in their environment. Our physicians work with patients and their families to set clear goals in their treatment.

Assessments & Evaluations

We offer diagnostic clarification, psychological/personality, neuropsychological, and cognitive assessments. VA benefits, substance use, and disability evaluation can be conducted, as well as Immigration evaluations.

“Something clicked after a couple months of therapy. I feel like I’ve got more control over life and it has less control of me.”

— J.P.

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